Trailer: The Shatila Theatre Project

03 March '13

TRAILER: The Shatila THEATRE Project

The Shatila Project was established in 2008 when writer Peter Mortimer spent two months living on the Shatila Refugee Camp in Lebanon.  Peter worked alongside children from the camp to produce a play, ‘Croak, the King and a Change in the Weather’.  The children then visited the UK to perform the play in various venues across the North-East of England.

Since then, successful tours have taken place by young actors from the Shatila Camp in 2009 and 2011. The video clip below charts the visit of the Shatila Theatre Project team to Lebanon last summer.

In June 2012, the team is hoping that a Shatila Street Art Project will take place, in which two British artists will work with a group of children on the camp to create colourful designs for the exterior of some buildings and perhaps the interior of others.  Subsequently a group of ten children and their teachers will visit the UK and plans are in progress to create an artistic monument overlooking Whitley Bay.

For further information on the Shatila Theatre Project and how you can support this year’s activities, please visit the website