

The Arab British Centre Award for Culture began in 2008 and has been running regularly ever since. The Award was put in place to celebrate an individual who has made the most constructive contribution to British understanding of Arab culture.

The prize is open to individuals working in any field.  In addition to the prize money, The Arab British Centre is able to provide the winner with opportunities to promote his or her work more widely.

The Award for Culture in 2013 was a successor to the Arab British Culture & Society Award, which ran for four years between 2008 & 2011 and celebrated organisations which had made a considerable impact on the British public’s understanding of the life, society and culture of the Arab world. Winners of that prize were Al Saqi Books, Zaytoun, Liverpool Arabic Arts Festival and Al Jazeera English.

In 2013, it was decided that the Award for Culture should be viable solely for individuals and the overall winner was the Iraqi playwright Hassan Abdulrazzak.

Further information on all of the previous winners can be found in the links below.

“At a time when the public hears little but news of violence and human suffering in the Middle East, this imaginative and timely enterprise by the ABC will honour and encourage those who have the capacity to bring to British audiences the rich and enduring life, society and culture of the Arab people.” 

Sir Marrack Goulding, Former Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations

For more information about the Award, please contact us on +44 (0)20 7832 1310 or on