@70: A Celebration of Contemporary Palestinian Culture

14 May '18 at 6:30 pm - 20 May '18 at 8:00 pm

2018 marks the 70th anniversary of the 1948 Palestinian exodus, also known as the Nakba or “catastrophe”. UK-based Palestinian writers and directors Ahmed Masoud and Ahmed Najar have teamed up with fellow Gazan Khaled Ziada – founder of Arabic culture promoters MARSM UK – to bring you this week-long festival of theatre, dance, films and talks commemorating the Palestinian experience of dispossession and loss of a homeland. Working closely with Amnesty International UK, the Hoping Foundation, Amos Trust, the Palestine Solidarity Campaign and Al Zaytouna Dance Theatre they have brought together this creative response to decades of injustice.

This exciting project will consist of the following events:
The Shroud Maker by Ahmed Masoud
Project 51 by Al Zaytouna Dance Theatre with Hava Dance Group –
Sanaa Moussa curated by Marsm
Portraits of Palestine: a case study from the British Colonial Archive curated by Marsm
Kings and Extras: Digging for a Palestinian Image curated by Marsm

There will also be some thought-provoking presentations and Q&As throughout the week. To find out more information, pleas evisit: http://www.70palestine.com


RADA Studios

16 Chenies Street, Fitzrovia, London WC1E 7EX
Click to find out more