‘A Magic Realist Afrabia,’ is a series of digital prints exploring ideas on multicultural identities, hybridity, and the third space. Looking at Sudanese author Tayeb Salih’s ‘Season of Migration to the North’ for inspiration, Elnayal follows main character Mustafa’s journey from Sudan to London and his struggle with his contradicting, convoluted and evolving ethnic identity in her work. Elnayal researches and translates magic realist techniques extracted from literature, art and photography into design techniques, and combines it with information obtained from the photographic essay on the Sudanese aesthetic to build a hybrid, urban, magic realist Afrabia.
‘A Magic Realist Afrabia’ is aimed to resonate with British Sudanese and tap into their waves of hybridity as well as appeal to all that occupy the ‘third space’, all who are migrants and have adopted new homes and therefore new identities. All Afro-Arabs, all non-westerners now living in the West, all that called for a revolution and are re-inventing their own identities.
‘A Magic Realist Afrabia,’ derived from Elnayal’s on-going and developing interest in her own hybrid British-Sudanese identity and struggles that come with