Cairokee and Dana Dajani – Live in London

2 November '18 at 7:00 pm - 3 November '18 at 10:00 pm

The name Cairokee expresses the bands irrefutable connection with their Egyptian audiences, combining Cairo & karaoke to symbolise their ‘singing along’ with Cairo. Yet after over 15 years of performing and four albums, their captivating energy, creativity and humility has ensured that it is now Cairo that sings along with them.

Articulating the many elements of contemporary Egyptian society that drive their generation, their music balances rock and spacious electronica with hints of pop and chaabi. Their anthemic calls for freedom, self-reflection and societal changes are an innate reflection of their phenomenal song-writing abilities and fan base, and have placed them at the top of Egypt’s most popular contemporary musical acts.

Due to popularity, we have added a second gig, meaning that the band will now be performing on both the 2nd and 3rd of November.



The Jazz Cafe

5 Parkway, Camden Town, London NW1 7PG



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