Displaying Egypt

19 July '18 at 10:00 am - 20 July '18 at 5:00 pm

The representations of Egypt in public displays have, to varying degrees, reflected collecting/acquisition histories, disciplinary/institutional distinctions, historical/political/social contexts, aesthetic/design trends, economic drivers and audience expectations. Such displays have in turn helped inform and shape perceptions of Egypt past and present. The conference Displaying Egypt will explore the following themes across ancient, Late Antique, Fatimid, Mameluke, Ottoman and Modern Egypt:

How have displays of artefacts and human remains shaped perceptions and conceptions of Egyptian history and culture for different audiences? How have collecting and acquisition histories informed displays? Conversely, in what way have display requirements/desires shaped acquisition policies? To what extent have displays reflected and shaped research on Egypt? How have distinctive settings – national, local, institutional – shaped displays of Egypt? For what aims were such displays created? How have various contexts – such as colonialism/postcolonialism, or social, visual and design trends – influenced displays?

Programme HERE.

Tickets HERE.


British Museum

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British Museum

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