A day for exploring the rich and vibrant culture of Algeria.
Drop in throughout the day to experience a rich programme of arts, exhibitions, theatre, talks, literature, dance and more!
To open the festival, DzFest will host its first edition of DzTalk with special guest speaker Tony Kitous, founder of Comptoir Libanais.
Coffee & Paper will then lead on a roundtable discussion around the theme of identity, featuring special guests.
For those interested in music, UK-based Chaabi musician, Sid Ahmed ElBahi will delight us with his beautiful vocals and repertoire, to the sound of his Mondale.
You can also take part in Algerian dance workshops with Esraa Warda. She is an emerging dance artist and educator from New York specialising in North African traditional dance forms. She will be teaching four types of dances during the session: Assimi, Chaoui, Kabyle and Rai.
Explore and rediscover Algeria through the Bazaar with various local artists and artisans showcasing their art and produce, calligraphy and workshops.
Kids’ fun day with singing and percussion workshops, painting stations and a wonderful performance of an Algerian old folk tale presented by Khayaal Theatre.