Art Jameel launches a commissioning programme anchored at its forthcoming contemporary arts institution in Dubai, set to open in winter 2018. The programme runs in a 3-year cycle, focusing on sculpture (2018); research and lecture series (2019); and drawing and painting (2020). Practitioners from or based in the Middle East, North Africa and Turkey, and those from around the world with an interest in and familiarity with these regions are invited to apply. The first commission takes sculpture as its starting point and focuses on light as an artistic medium. Artists applying must have some experience of working to commission and creating work for the public realm.
The first stage of application process requires artists to submit an outline proposal, concept drawing and outline budge. Three shortlisted artists will be chosen and asked to submit detailed concept drawings and budget. A budget of USD 500 each will be paid to each shortlisted artist. Budget for the winning commission will be USD 70,000. Deadline for 1st stage: 21 November 2017
Application form: