Sabah El Meem Episode 4 with Dima Matta

29 October '20 at 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

A rare chance to catch up with some very special guests from the ever-expanding queer Arab arts scene, joining your host Alice Guthrie for chats and rants, laments and laughs, dreams and schemes.

Episode 4 of 4:

Guest : Dima Matta

Dima Mikhayel Matta is a Beirut-based writer and actress. She received a Fulbright scholarship and completed her MFA in creative writing from Rutgers University in 2013. She has been acting for the stage since 2006. In 2014, she founded Cliffhangers, the first bilingual storytelling platform in Lebanon, and hosts monthly storytelling events along with parallel events such as storytelling workshops and performances.

Alice Guthrie, Curator and Host, and born in London and raised in rural Norfolk, UK, Alice Guthrie is a queer freelance translator, writer, editor, and researcher who has been studying Arabic formally and informally since 1997, notably at l’Institut Français d’Etudes Arabes a Damas in Syria between 2001-2003.

Sabah el Meem is produced by Arts Canteen and supported by Arts Council England .


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Arab Women Artists Now - AWAN Festival

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