Shall We Sit Together? Settings of Care

19 November '23 at 11:00 am - 12 January '24 at 6:00 pm

Visit the exhibition by The Mosaic Rooms Young Collective, created by young people in collaboration with artists Febrik and in partnership with New Citizen’s Gateway.

The Young Collective are: Saba, Bukhari, Arvin, Aryan, Paniz, Yalda, Rozhina, Claudia, Dhaifallah, Suliman, Bibi, Molouda, Yasna.

In collaboration with Febrik, the group have worked with a variety of tools and references to think through their individual as well as collective interests and motivations. Through these creative sessions, themes of care and protection emerged as interpretations of solidarity. The project interrogated meanings of ‘sitting’ as a social and political practice and proposed settings of care with the body and elements from the studio space – such as chairs, walls and doors. The sessions asked questions about proximity, power dynamics, violence, fragility and support.

This exhibition holds evidence of these accumulative experiments and begins to answer the ways in which we can sit together as we care for others and care for the values we hold dear.


The Mosaic Rooms

226 Cromwell Road, London, SW5 0SW


The Mosaic Rooms, in collaboration with artists Febrik and in partnership with New Citizen's Gateway

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