Women’s movements have been one of the most resilient and influential drivers of democratisation and social justice in Muslim contexts. From the legal reforms they initiated to the social transformations they shaped, they have not only been important political actors, but also evolved into diversified mass movements more visible and vocal than ever in contemporary public debates.
This panel discussion brings together renowned feminist scholars and activists to overview the trajectory of women’s movements and feminist activism in predominantly Muslim countries. The panel aims to celebrate the achievements of the women’s movements for gender equality in Muslim contexts and discuss their legacies. It will analyse the main issues of struggle for women’s rights movements, the past and present of organisational structures, and forms of activism by reflecting especially on the cases of Egypt, Iran, Pakistan and Tunisia.
Sevgi Adak (Chair), Hind Ahmed Zaki, Deniz Kandiyoti, Nida Kirmani, and Nazanin Shahrokni.
*The discussion will be followed by a reception.