Stories Art Gallery is delighted to welcome the contemporary jewellery designer Hania Kuzbari with her new and exclusive collection, ‘Smile for Good Luck’.
In this collection, brightly coloured gemstones and diamonds reflect the playful and quirky nature of her gleaming designs. Her meticulously handcrafted pieces harmonise golden colours with metallic silvers and blacks.
Of Syrian origin, Hania is a true global citizen. She has lived both in the Middle East and North America, drawing inspiration from each into her works. Living in these ancient and modern cultural hubs has fuelled her artistic character, providing her with a rich and refined artistic ability to tell a story in each piece she creates.
Despite the joyful title, ‘Smile for Good luck’ was created during one of the saddest moments of the artists’ life — the Syrian war. However, it was Hania’s desire to pioneer positivity and hope during this time of conflict that inspired her to create her smiling pieces. It is through her works that Hania hopes to convey a message of optimism and positivity to the world in a fun and charming way.