تحت عنوان “الأرض المقدسة “, يتطرق نضال في هذه الامسية الكوميدية الى قضايا عديدة تلمس واقع المواطن الفلسطيني في فلسطين , مواضيع اجتماعية وسياسية مستوحاة من الواقع الفلسطيني باسلوب كوميدي, نقدي, ساخر وجرئ
Palestinian Director and Standup Comedian, born in Arabeh in 1984. He completed his Bachelor’s degree in theatre and acting at The University of Haifa in 2009, and received a Diploma in Film Directing in 2014.
Through his stand-up comedy, Nidal demonstrates the shared values of freedom of speech and expression showing us that humour can be a critical element in our collective efforts to deal with the most difficult subjects, such as Palestine. Join us for an evening of laughter and the unexpected! The show will be performed in Arabic.